You Blog? Then Why Aren’t You Using Missinglettr?

4 min readMay 24, 2021

One of the hardest parts of being a blogger is getting people to come to your blog and read what you have to say. There are thousands of bloggers out there all vying for an audience. Not only are people busier than ever, but they’re also already flooded with information overload — you need to stand out in a vast ocean, and you only have a few moments to do so.

And you’re one of those busy people. I am too. We don’t have hours to spend crafting dozens of engaging social posts promoting a blog we already spent hours writing, editing, and researching. But, social media promotion is essential to driving traffic to your blog.

Enter: Missinglettr.

How Missinglettr helps

One post on social media isn’t enough. It’s not even close. This is where Missinglettr comes in. The core idea behind Missinglettr is that it will set up a drip campaign for each blog post that you publish, and then “drip” the campaign content out to your social accounts over the course of a year (or time period of your choosing).

More than a social media scheduler

There are many social media scheduling options out there, including Buffer and Hootsuite. But Missinglettr is more than just a post scheduler. Instead of developing each individual post and adding it to a scheduler, Missinglettr monitors your blog for new posts. Once detected, it will automatically begin the campaign development process.

Linking your blog to Missinglettr

Setting up Missinglettr is easy. When you set up your account, you add the RSS feed for your blog. Once Missinglettr detects that you’ve posted a new blog entry, it will create the campaign for you, consisting of images from your blog, custom quote graphics, and snippets from your blog. You’ll be able to select which of these you’d like to keep and include in your campaign. Missinglettr will also recommend hashtags for you to use in your campaign, based on the content of your blog.

From there, Missinglettr will automatically develop a year-long social media drip campaign. Click through the posts to review them, then hit approve for the campaign to be scheduled on your accounts. Once scheduled, you’re able to go back and edit content as well as adjust your schedule all the way up to the time the post is scheduled for.

With paid plans, there are tons of opportunities for customization, including custom scheduled, quote bubbles, snippet templates, and more. It’s easy to make Missinglettr work for your needs.

Grow your reach exponentially


Promoting your blog posts on social media is essential to driving traffic. Having others share your content can grow your reach exponentially. Missinglettr Curate lets you submit your content to the library for distribution. Once submitted, other Curate users will be able to browse your content by category. If they like your post, they can add it right to their social media queue to share with their audience.

Not only will this help drive traffic back to your site, but social backlinks are also an essential element of any strong SEO strategy. Mentioning your account in the curated post can be an effective way to see which accounts share your content so you can potentially engage with them further.

Fill out your social media queue

Similarly, Missinglettr Curate lets you search the content library by topic to find posts to share with your audience. Your followers want to see more than just your content. Sharing articles about related topics your audience cares about can be an effective way to keep your audience engaged. Learn more about how content curation can enhance your social media strategy.

How to use all that time you’ve saved


Now that you’ve saved a ton of time in your schedule by automating your social post creation and publishing, you can focus your efforts on other growth strategies or on improving your current efforts.

Blog more frequently. With the time you save not having to develop tons of unique social posts, you can develop more blogs. Increasing your blogging frequency will drive faster SEO results, encourage more traffic, and create more content for you to promote via Missinglettr!

Give guest blogging a go. Guest blogging is a great way to get backlinks to your site, but it can take time to do well. Use the time you don’t have to spend promoting your blog researching relevant publications and pitching them on a guest blog. Not only will you get exposure to that publication’s audience, but you’ll also increase your domain authority by having a reputable site link to you. You can promote your guest blog through Missinglettr as well!

Take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Sometimes, when you’re so focused on keeping a full content queue, you don’t have time to take a step back and evaluate how your efforts play into larger efforts. It can be incredibly valuable to pause, map out your strategy, and ensure all ongoing efforts are aligned to accomplish your goals.

Try Missinglettr for free

Still not convinced Missinglettr is the answer to all your blog promotion and social media management woes? No worries! You can try it for free to see for yourself. In fact, the base level is always free — when you start saving time and seeing results, you can scale up your support accordingly.

