How to Create an Effective Drip Campaign

4 min readMay 27, 2021

Utilizing drip campaigns can be a great way to expand your reach and promotional efforts for your blogs…but how do you go about creating an effective drip campaign? Let’s break down eight different ways you can create an effective drip campaign to maximize your endeavors and begin seeing the results you’d like to see.

Keep your target audience in mind.

Just as you would when writing your article, keep your audience in mind when writing copy for the drip campaign. It’s essential to put yourself in your audience’s position and appeal to what type of content they’re looking for and what will pique their interest. Here are a few questions to get you started:

  • What are their pain points?
  • What common questions do they have?
  • Why should they read your content over others?

It isn’t uncommon to have multiple demographics you’re targeting during campaigns. If this is the case, develop a variety of posts with each one.

Don’t be overly promotional.

This is a big one that I cannot stress enough. It might be tempting to slap your logo on every image or incorporate your company’s name in the copy, but this is a no-no. Chances are that if someone is already following your social account, they enjoy your content and don’t need constant reminders of who you are. If someone finds your posts via hashtags, your bio and profile image will suffice for all of the branding you need.

Tease your article.

Like some grocery stores offer free samples to entice you to make a purchase, drip campaigns should act similarly. You want to include some intriguing information in the social copy, but you shouldn’t give away the entire article.

Some strategies for effectively teasing your content include:

  • Asking a relevant, thought-provoking question
  • Sharing a shocking statistic
  • Sharing a short quote from the article

Have a strong call to action.

Once you’ve successfully promoted your article and given away just enough info to garner the reader’s interest, the next step is to create a strong call to action. Rather than simply saying “Read more: [LINK],” aim to write something more compelling.

For example, if you’re promoting an article on how to build a monthly budget, you could write, “Find out how to set up your budget: [LINK].” A little bit of creativity can go a long way!

Use infographics and quote images.

If possible, it’s worth taking some extra time to develop corresponding infographics to promote your article. Not only are infographics incredibly popular to share across social media, they act as an additional way to showcase your expertise.

If you don’t have the time or resources to create infographics, utilizing Missinglettr’s quote tool is a great way to pull impactful quotes from your article quickly.

Customize messaging to various platforms.

At the time of writing this article, Missinglettr currently supports Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. Each one of these audiences has a unique audience, and you should adjust accordingly. For example, LinkedIn skews toward a professional audience, so you should shy away from excessive emoji use and “fun” language. On the other hand, Instagram is widely used by a younger audience, so it’s completely appropriate to use emojis.


Pay attention to brand voice.

While you should be customizing your messaging depending on the platform you’re posting to, you should be conscious of providing some level of consistency amongst the platforms. This helps increase your brand awareness and supports an authoritative image across channels.

Experiment and adjust.

Like any other form of marketing, you should always be testing to see what works. If you’ve noticed a low share rate and engagement with an article, try comparing it to previous campaigns and see what could be the cause.

Get started today.

Creating content is half the battle. Promoting it to the right audience is just as important! Missinglettr makes it easy to start sharing your content across all of your social media channels with only a few clicks — saving you time and money. Whether you’re a one-person show or a growing agency, Missinglettr has a variety of plans for any team. Get started with a free trial today.

